September 3, 2021.

It's 3:30am. I find myself standing in a field just 20 minutes north of Fairbanks, Alaska, and I'm staring at the stars. The batteries in my camera have all but depleted, but I'm still shooting long exposures of the high energy protons forcing their way through the magnetosphere above and all around me.

I don't care about the cold anymore.

I've been thinking about coming out here for decades, and I finally made it. Flew into Anchorage. Picked up the car. Drove six hours through every bit of glorious wilderness to get here, and now I'm here. And dammit if I didn't almost miss it.

With every terrible thing that happens everyday, everywhere on this planet, to be standing here in this field away from all of that - to experience what bit of magic exists at the almost-edge-of-the-world - is all that I could have ever asked for and more.

I'll never forget it.

Music is my own:

"Seeds" - Reliqs ('18)