Created and produced by choreographer, director, and performance artist Raja Feather Kelly, this "artcast" takes the form of 30-minute speed interviews between Raja and fellow guest artists in PICA's Spring 2021 Creative Exchange Lab residency program.

Not for Arts' Sake brings people closer to art, and artists closer to people. Those featured include: Javaad Alipoor (Manchester, UK), Reese Bowes (Portland, OR), Fernanda D’Agostino (Portland, OR), Elisa Harkins (Muscogee (Creek) Reservation [Tulsa, OK]), shawné michaelain holloway (Chicago, IL), Raja Feather Kelly (New York, NY), Mohammed Murshed (Beaverton, OR), Marcela Torres (Salt Lake City, UT / Chicago, IL), and Sarah Turner (Portland, OR) Tune in and enjoy!