Rewire Festival @ PSU

Rewire Festival

Please join my students and I on June 1st at 7:30pm at the Lincoln Hall Auditorium of PSU for the Rewire Festival.

This semester, I was asked to...

24th May 2022

Wetware | Freeware | Realware

"You can make anything you can imagine. What's going to happen if everyone gets an alla? Nobody will work anymore. They'll all have everything the...

30th Jan 2022

Satya Yuga

Here's a video I put together for my friend Sage Fisher, aka Dolphin Midwives.

This is on...

20th Jan 2022

Event Horizon

A collection of music and styleGAN audio interpretations I've been working on for a few years...

4th Jan 2022

Lessons of Decay [Final]

Project Statement: The spiral of time has achieved its highest point and now obviously falling down. “Lessons of decay” captures the moments...

11th Nov 2021